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Produkt Delsumma
Your Hair Rollers 66 mm   × 1 149.00kr
Delsumma 149.00kr
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Totalt 149.00kr (inkl. 29.80kr Moms)

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Want to know the story of Molimenti?

Molimenti Hair is a Swedish company that believes in giving your hair a new lease on life. Our iconic Your Hair Brush creates more beautiful, healthier hair and is a game-changer for longer and stronger hair. We want to make hair styling more effortless and efficient with our innovative Wands. Our ceramic tourmaline barrels distribute heat evenly, ensuring every strand of hair is curled without any hot spots. This helps to minimize damage to your hair while giving you the best possible results. Our range of accessories gives you control when styling your hair for a perfect look every time.

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